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Guy Roberts - photograph courtesy of the Mermaid Theatre CompanyGuy Roberts
Artistic Director
Prague Shakespeare Company

Guy Roberts as Richard III
Guy Roberts is the Founder, CEO and Artistic Director of the Prague Shakespeare Company (PSC) as well as the Artistic Director of the Mermaid Theatre Company, a US based classical theatre company. He served as Artistic Director of the Austin Shakespeare Festival (ASF) from 2001 - 2007. As the Artistic Director of the Mermaid Theatre Company and the Austin Shakespeare Festival, Guy has led the organizations to ninety-two (92) B. Iden Payne and Austin Critic's Table Award nominations for Theatre Excellence; personally receiving as a producer, director and actor, forty-two (42) B. Iden Payne and Austin Critic's Table Award nominations for Theatre Excellence - winning multiple awards for Best Drama, Best Comedy, Best Director and Best Actor.

Guy Roberts as Jacques in As You Like It

As PSC producer and director, his European theatrical credits: Hamlet, Richard III, Women of Will: the Complete Journey, As You Like It (also Český Krumlov with the Krumlov Shakespeare Festival), A Midsummer Night's Dream, Venus and Adonis, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Twelfth Night, One Man Hamlet and his original play, Shakespeare's Country Matters. His 5 actor version of Romeo and Juliet, a co-production with Bear Educational Theatre, currently tours schools throughout Europe.

In America, Guy was recently seen as Henry V in the PSC/Main Street Theater co-production of Henry V which he also directed. Other Main Street Theater appearances include Michael Bakunin in The Coast of Utopia trilogy and Richard in the PSC/MST co-production of Richard III, which he also directed. As producer, director and actor, his other New York and American Regional productions include: the American premiere of the Royal Shakespeare Company's & David Johnston's translation of Lope de Vega's The Dog in the Manger, Henry V, Othello, As You Like It, King Lear, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Titus Andronicus, Richard III, The Rivals, The Glass Menagerie, La Ronde, The Tempest, W;t, Mrs. Warren's Profession, Undiscovered Country, The Lady from the Sea, Spring's Awakening, Tweflth Night, The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Taming of the Shrew, Of Mice and Men, A Streetcar Named Desire and Gross Indecency.

One Man Hamlet

Guy recently appeared in Prague and Houston as Edmund in his production of King Lear and as Jaques/Adam in his production of As You Like It. He was also seen in Houston as Hamlet in his one man adaptation of the play for Classical Theatre Company (in association with PSC) as well as Pericles in Pericles, Sir Andrew Aguecheek in Twelfth Night and Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing for Houston Shakespeare Festival. Previously for PSC he appeared as Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet in a full production of the play at Vyšehrad (Vyše Castle) and Divadlo Na Pradle; and as Macbeth in his production of the play at Divadlo Komedie and L'Espace Electrique in Prague and on tour in Vienna. Other Shakespearean roles include: Hamlet, Henry V, Richard III, Jaques, Mercutio, Puck, Caliban, Demetrius and Romeo. Productions by: Huntington Theatre Company, Berkeley Rep, George Street Playhouse, Austin Playhouse, State Theater Company, Mermaid Theatre, Austin Shakespeare and Divadlo Miloco.

Guy Roberts as Teodoro

He has worked and studied with such theatre notables as Maria Aitken, Michael Langham, Tina Packer, Andrew Wade, Richard Cottrell, Irene Worth, Barry Edelstein, Mark Brokaw, Jane Nichols, Paul Robeling, Megan Cole, Jacques Cartier, Sharon Ott, Michael Bloom, Charles Towers, Peter Altman, Edward Gilbert, Scott Kanoff, Susan Kerner, Eric Shaeffer, Ron Holgate, Seanna McKenna, Fiona Reid, Michelle Farr, Juni Dahr and Franchelle Stewart Dorn. As a fight choreographer/director his work has been seen throughout America in various stage plays, operas and ballets as well as with the first national company of the Broadway musical big!, a production he also toured nationally with as a stage manager. Guy is also on the faculty at the Prague Film School, specializing in Acting, Voice and Stage Combat Training.

In addition to teaching at numerous Theatre/Acting schools in Prague, New York, Boston and Texas, Guy also travels extensively conducting Shakespeare and Leadership workshops for Sigma Breakthrough Technologies, Inc., training corporate executives and managers in the art of leadership using essential Shakespearean lessons as a model for dealing with modern-day corporate challenges. Guy is a member of Actors' Equity Association, the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, the Society of American Fight Directors and the Shakespeare Theatre Association of America.

Guy splits his time between the United States and Prague, Czech Republic.

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